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VENICE, June 2024

Gierz .PNG







The 60th International Art Exhibition, titled Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, will take palace from April 20 to November 24, 2024 (pre-opening on April 17, 18 and 19) curated by Adriano Pedrosa and organised by La Biennale di Venezia.

Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, the ground on which the theme of the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, takes shape is marked by conceptual traces linked to the idea of diversity in its various meanings. In the contemporary globalized society, where individuals constantly travel, anyone can consider themselves a foreigner in their own world. Historical events only highlight the distinction among humans, pushing the global community into profound states of crisis; in reality, we are nothing more than children of the same cosmos.«The expression Stranieri Ovunque – explains Adriano Pedrosa – has several meanings. First of all, that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners—they/we are everywhere. Secondly, that no matter where you find yourself, you are always truly, and deep down inside, a foreigner.»


“The Land of Silence” is an immersive journey into uncharted territories of contemporary art, where the boundaries between expression and introspection blur, inviting viewers to explore the profound resonance of silence. This exhibition is a poignant exploration of the power and depth found in the absence of sound, a realm where visual language and artistic interpretation converge. In a world inundated with noise, propaganda, and constant chatter, “The Land of Silence” becomes a sanctuary, an oasis for contemplation and reflection. Through various mediums and artistic perspectives, the artists delve into the vast spectrum of silence, illuminating its nuanced facets and evoking a broad range of emotions. The exhibition seeks to challenge conventional perceptions, prompting a reconsideration of silence as more than simply the absence of noise. Artists draw inspiration from the serene landscapes of silence, discovering beauty in its tranquility and the potential for profound meaning in its emptiness. Thematic elements of the exhibition are not confined to literal interpretations but extend to metaphorical and abstract realms, fostering a rich tapestry of artistic expression. Visitors will encounter thought-provoking installations, avant-garde sculptures, evocative paintings, and innovative multimedia presentations, all meticulously curated to weave together a cohesive narrative. “The Land of Silence” is a collective conversation between artists and spectators, a shared exploration of the unheard and the invisible. It invites participants to step into a realm where silence is not merely an absence but a presence of a thousand voices, an entity capable of communicating on a profound level. As attendees navigate through the curated spaces, they will experience the transformative potential of silence, transcending the limitations of verbal communication and immersing themselves in a multisensorial experience. “The Land of Silence” encourages viewers to engage in a dialogue with their own interpretations, fostering a personal connection with the artworks and the unspoken stories they tell. The project is a testament to the diversity and depth of artistic expression, demonstrating that silence can be a canvas upon which a myriad of emotions, thoughts, and narratives are laid out. “The Land of Silence” invites participants to embrace silence, listen to the whispers of the artworks, and discover the profound beauty in the unexplored territories of silence.

Musa Pavilion



Palazzo Pisani Revedin 

Campo Manin,

San Marco 4013/A

30124 Venezia


Opening hours for visitors:

10:30-13:30 / 14:00-18:30

Monday closed

Free entry

Curator : Natalia Gryniuk

Source :  MUSA art space

Palazzo Pisani-Revedin “ROSSINI”

The original name of the Palazzo is Palazzo Pisani-Revedin, the Palazzo has its origin probably before 1200 AD but is improved and enlarged in the centuries after. Palazzo Pisani-Revedin, was later named after the Italian composer of ao. “the Barber of Seville”, Gioachino Rosssini who lived from 1792-1868 and lived long periods in Venice. The most prominent family who lived in Palazzo Rossini, was the Pisani family, they are one of the most ancient of the Venetian aristocracy. The Pisani family have had an important role between the XII and XVII century in the history, politics and economy of the Venetian Republic. During these years some branches of the family started to acquire a bigger role. These were divided on the basis of the area where they used to live in Venice: San Marco, Santo Stefano (the most prestigious), Santa Maria del Giglio, San Paolo, San Vitale, Santa Marina. At the end of the XIX century the principal male line, that of Santo Stefano, became extinct.Some of the most famous personalities of Pisani family were important Dogi in Venice, except for Vettor Pisani that was the captain of the Venetian fleet during the second half of the XIV century. He leaded his fleet to a big victory against Genova in 1379-1380.

exhibited painting

Untitled from nouvelle vague series [372].jpg


80x120 cm

Nouvelle vague series



WARSAW, June 2024

 history of modern art 

 art institute PAN 23/24

 students exhibition


Link to FB event

June 21, 2024


Marszałkowska 45/49, second floor


Opening at 19:00


exhibited paintings



80x120 cm

Nouvelle vague series



160x120 cm

Nouvelle vague series


curatorial statement

"Sebastian Gierz in his works from the nouvelle vague series (which had their premiere during this year's Venice Biennale)

tries to use the viewer as a point of reference.
The free expressive gesture of the creator is similar to the automatic natural way creation and artistic narrative

used by Joan Miró.
But who is this here recipient?
Single-colored spots, signs or symbols refer to Rorschach spots
a test for a new kind of viewer – artificial intelligence – which, as Sebastian notes, does not copes with expression, chance and feelings - terms that become most clear today define humanity."

                                                                      Tytus Klepacz
                                                                      Warsaw, 21.06.2024

PARIS, February 2025

Nouvelle Vague

           solo exhibition

February 7-11, 2025

Opening : 8 February at 18:00



Place des Vosges 10

75004 Paris

Opening hours for visitors:

10:00 - 18:00

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